


& Frig

Flagstone Fireplace
Flaxen Clothing

Thought to be from a traditional northern Pagan blessing, the phrase, “Flags, Flax, Fodder, and Frig is a toast of gratitude for the simple things in life.

Flags (for Flagstones) - Refers to the hearth and home expressing gratitude for the roof over our heads and comforts of home.

Flax (Used to make linen clothing) - Refers to the clothes on our backs and protection from the elements.

Fodder (Often associated with food for domestic animals) - Refers to the food on our plates and in our bellies.

& Frig ( From the Old English frēogan, frīgan meaning to love, embrace, caress) - Often used as slang for sex, it refers to our relationships, love, and human connection.